
Please make sure that you type in your First Name, Last Name and email address exactly as it appears in your H1 profile. If you have AREINZ or anything else written after you Last Name, pleas emake sure you include this in the Last Name field.

If you cannot get passed this page, please contact Sasha Kelly on eventsnz@harcourts.net.

NOTE: If you cannot click on First Name box, you may have something wrong with your interenet browser. To fix this please click on the link of the browser below you are using and follow the instruction.

Google Chrome - https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/2392709?visit_id=1-636203803473521146-2836347582&rd=1

Mozilla Firefox - https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-clear-the-cache-in-firefox-2624704

Internet Explorer - https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-clear-the-cache-in-internet-explorer-2624707

Safari - http://help.apple.com/safari/mac/9.0/#/sfri20948